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Blue Skies Massage Therapy Clinic

Blue Skies Massage Therapy Clinic – Restart Plan


BC’s Restart Plan, released on May 6, 2020, allows for the resumption of services provided by regulated health professionals practicing in community settings, including Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs), under enhanced safety protocols in Phase 2 of the Plan.


Pre-screening is required for both the therapist and the patient to minimize the risk of COVID-19 transmission

Therapist Pre-Screening

​Therapist pre-screening includes general precautions that need to be taken on a daily basis outside of the treatment setting. 

General precautions

  • Be conscious of the number of places you are going to before and after work and on you days off;
  • Avoid non-essential trips within your community;
  • Do not gather in groups;
  • Limit contact with those at high risk;
  • Practice social distancing (stay at least 2 meters apart) outside of your home to the best of your ability; and
  • All international travel requires an additional 14-day quarantine upon returning to BC that must be strictly adhered to.


Daily Monitoring

  • Daily self monitoring of symptoms and keeping a log. Symptoms include:
    • Cough;
    • Fever;
    • Difficulty breathing;
    • Pneumonia in both lungs;
    • Daily self monitoring with BC Self Assessment and log; and
    • Record the number of places visited

If the therapist is not feeling well and has any of the symptoms listed, the therapist will cancel all appointments and seek medical advice.  Even if the therapist tests negative for COVID-19, the therapist will not resume practice until all symptoms subside.

If the therapist tests positive for COVID-19, all patients that may have been potentially exposed will be contacted to monitor for symptoms.  The therapist will follow medical advice and self-isolation protocols until cleared by a public health official. 

Patient Pre-Screening

The patients will be are screened multiple times

  • One day prior to the appointment, the therapist will contact the patient to remind them to take the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment tool;
  • One day prior to the appointment, the therapist will email the COVID-19 Intake form to be filled the morning of the appointment, Please email the form to the therapist if possible; and
  • When the patient arrives at the clinic, they will be screened again with the following questionnaire



For my safety and my patient, please answer these questions to the best of your ability.

  • Are you experiencing any of the following: a fever, a new cough, a worsening chronic cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
  • Have you had close contact with anyone with acute respiratory illness or have you travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?
  • Do you have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?
  • Do you have 2 or more of the following symptoms:
    • Sore throat;
    • Runny nose/sneezing;
    • Nasal congestion;
    • Hoarse voice;
    • Difficulty swallowing;
    • Decrease or loss of sense of smell;
    • Chills;
    • Headaches;
    • Unexplained fatigue/malaise;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Abdominal pain;
    • Nausea; or
    • Vomiting
  • If the patient is over 65 years of age, are they experiencing any of the following:
    • Delirium;
    • Falls;
    • Acute functional decline; or
    • Worsening of chronic conditions

If the response to any of the screening questions is yes, the patient cannot have a treatment.  The patient should contact 811 or their physician for further guidance


Physical Distancing

  • To promote social distancing, patients are asked to remain in their car until five minutes prior to the start of their appointment. Please send a text message or call the therapist to inform him of your arrival.
  • New patients are encouraged to print and complete intake forms before coming into the clinic.
  • Unless required for mobility, personal assistance or if you are a minor, patients are asked to come into the facility alone whenever possible.
  • The clinic will be open with one therapist and only one patient at a time to ensure with 2 meter distancing during administrative tasks
  • Clutter will be minimized in the waiting room (e.g. no magazines, books, or children’s toys) and all items that cannot be washed are removed (e.g. Fabric upholstered waiting room chairs).
  • Beverages and snacks/candy bowls will not be offered at this time. If patients need water, the therapist will provide that in a disposable cup to minimize the number of people touching water coolers and to allow for disinfecting each time.
  • Signage will be placed at the front door asking patients to not enter the clinic if they have any of the signs, symptoms or travel risks associated with COVID-19.


Hand Hygiene

  • Patients will be encouraged to use an alcohol-based hand rub upon arrival and prior to departure;
  • Therapists will wash hands often, using soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds each time.  The therapist will wash hands prior to receiving the patient, prior to treatment, and after treatment;
  • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be available in the treatment room


Face-Touching Avoidance

  • Share information about the reason for ‘no face touching’; coronavirus can be spread by touch if a person has used their hand/s to cover a cough or a sneeze;
  • Suggest patients use a tissue if an itch must be addressed;
  • Tissues are available for patient use in the reception are and treatment room;
  • Masks are available for patient and for RMT, because masks are useful to avoid touching face; and
  • RMT will use of hand towel or tissue to touch or scratch face, or to sneeze into.


Enhanced Cleaning

Regular cleaning is an important part of creating a safe treatment environment for both therapist and patient. 

General cleaning, three times per day

  • All door handles;
  • All cabinet handles;
  • All faucets;
  • Reception are table surfaces;
  • Water cooler;
  • Fridge;
  • Microwave;
  • Keyboard;
  • Mouse;
  • Phone; and
  • Floor

Immediately after an appointment

  • All high-touch surfaces in the treatment room, including:
    • Table and headrest;
    • Headrest support and levers;
    • Oil bottle and any other tools used;
    • Table legs;
    • Light switch;
    • Cabinet door handles;
    • Patient chair;
    • Therapist chair;
    • Reception tables;
    • Phone and POS if used; and
    • Hand sanitizer bottles


  • Linens (including blankets) must be single use only, then laundered in hot soapy water.


Disinfection chemicals

Simple Green D Pro 3 DIN 02478706
Sanitol DIN 02248470
Spray Nine DIN 02160331
Pure Standard Products Isopropyl alcohol 99 NPN 00167657


Personal Protective Equipment

Social distancing cannot be upheld during a massage therapy treatment. Personal protective equipment will be used to mitigate some of the risks associated with treatment.


The therapist must use:

  • Procedural/surgical masks (paper/disposable) masks, changed between treatments; and
  • Scrubs, changed between treatments


The patient must use

  • A non-medical mask (patient can use their own or the clinic can 
provide one for those who do not have one). 


Gloves are deemed unnecessary as they do not offer any protection over regular and rigorous handwashing that is typical of massage therapy practice. Gloves are recommended during cleaning, intra-oral work (as per normal practice), and in the case of cuts or open injuries on the patient or the therapist (as per normal practice). Gloves are always discarded after every use. If the patient is comforted by the use of gloves, they can be used.